دیدگاه ها . «سمن بویان»

  1. ببین دوست عزیز یادم نمیاد در این مدتی که می نویسم از کسی خواسته باشد بیاید و مطالبم را بخواند . مثل بعضیها که می ایند و آن کامنت تکراریه به ما هم سر بزن و … اما این بار می خواهم از تو عزیز خواهش کنم به ما سر بزنی … ما جمعی پنج نفره از زنانی تنها هستیم . در یک وبلاگ گروهی می نویسیم که البته بسیار محجور مانده . چرایی اش بماند . اما خیلی دوست دارم تو سری به ما بزنی . ممنونم . و در پناه دل باشی . راستی این هم لینک ما :
    زنان تمام نشده

  2. so, Zan-e Abie:
    I am not really into the whole BLOG thing and I still believe more than 99% of them are personal diaries which should have been kept PeRsOnAl!
    Now, what do you offer which makes you think yours is worth reading? (for you they are all priceless, I understand, but for others I mean?)
    It is really so lame the comments I read here and there: come and pay us a visit :):) sorry, but i cannot help it; that is not the way to get visitors! How many are in Iran who have access to internet? Now, how many of them have had any diary before starting their blog pages?
    Now I wonder if it is more than a “a-la-mode” thing than a real need!
    Anyway, if the blue thing means you are depressed, stop blogging and get out more often, watch the sun rise, smell the snow and feel the roses, and throw your fist to anyone or anything that you have to but don’t blog!
    and a Q. for our dear Sarah:
    How do you read this ‘saman bouyAn’? I was about to send you the way I read it but it has some sekt-e in it, thought maybe you read it otherwise.
    and for the person who complained about the use of “ghourt dAdan”, dear visitor: even if Sarah is not yet published, she has a great sense of words and this choice shows it perfectly.
    You do not “bal-yedan” your sorrow or tears, you just “ghourt” them!
    I could actually hear the sound it makes when the mirror gourt-ed ;) her “hegh hegh”
    Anyway, I think I am sort of abusing Sarah’s blog for my own notes, I try though to remain as related as possible so don’t hesitate to tell me if I have to stop commenting.
    roozegAr bekAm and depression be door bAd.

  3. مثل اشک….
    مثل برگ….
    افتادنم آسان است….
    فقط صبر کن….تا پاییز….
    من خیلی وقته آیینه رو با وبلاگت می خونم….ولی کامنت نمی ذارم….این نوشتتو خیلی دوست داشتم ولی…….
    اشکهایت مال من……

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